Conference Agenda

For session objectives, click on the + sign to the right of the session title.

Tuesday, May 14

  • Objectives

    Utilize resources to access college and career readiness literature that is relevant to GEAR UP

    Understand how to be a responsible consumer of educational literature

    Identify the literature that supports GEAR UP programming your are implementing

  • Objectives

    Understand how the Kirkpatrick framework can be used for continuous improvement

    Review logic model, grant objectives, & evaluation questions

    Identify the results the grant is working towards

Wednesday, May 15

  • Participants are invited to an early breakfast for Q & A with the team

  • Objectives

    Discuss the behaviors and learning we expect to see in GEAR UP

    Make connections between Behaviors and Learning in Alignment with Results

    Distinguish between Grant-level behaviors and learning and Site-level behaviors and learning

    Understand the factors to consider when deciding what behavior - learning relationships prioritize

  • Objectives

    Learn how reactions can be leveraged to inform marketing and GEAR UP activities

    Understand best practices for collecting, understanding, and sharing reaction data

  • Objectives

    Identify and prioritize GEAR UP advocates

    Understand the tools and messaging that matter with different types of GEAR UP advocates

    Develop a plan for creating a data-informed advocacy strategy